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Ft. McHenry Tunnel

Project Description: The work performed under this contract occurred in the Southbound (SB) and Northbound (NB) roadways within the Fort McHenry Tunnel on I-95 in Baltimore City, as well as in the East and West Ventilation Buildings. Specific scope of work included concrete repairs to the undersides of the roadway slabs, the slab side walls supporting the roadway slabs, and inside the lower plenum. The scope also included working with medium voltage cables, cable terminations, cable splices, fiberglass conduit, demolition of concrete surrounding the existing conduit by hydro-demolition, cleaning and coating the existing concrete reinforcing steel, installation of reinforcing steel and welded wire fabric, installation of conduit anchors, placement of pneumatically applied mortar and custom fabricated pull box replacement.

Project Location: Baltimore, MD

Owner: MD DOT

Cost of Construction: $1.2M

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